Saturday, August 21, 2010

Listen ...Circle of Eternity

Available in Print and All Ebook Formats

Brindlemoor Castle stole her breath. The early morning sun cast a golden band across the weathered walls, illuminating the workmanship from centuries past. Ivy crept up the foundation, as if to fortify its crumbling mortar, and spread upward over the ancient fortress.

Samantha Brooks gazed at the castle in awe. The travel brochure didn’t do it justice. The intricate details of such a magnificent structure could never be captured in a photograph. The stones were various shapes and colors, and it amazed her how the masons of long ago had built it without modern day tools.

Savoring the salty air that filled her lungs, Samantha inhaled, wishing this moment could last forever. The ocean waves washed softly, steadily against the rocks below the cliff, and although cracked and broken, Brindlemoor’s foundation proudly upheld the rich history of a time past.

For her, the trip here was about letting go of her history and the cornerstone to building a whole new life. She sighed. The image of having a policeman tell you that your husband had died in the bed of another woman wasn’t exactly a past worth preserving.

The distant voices of the other tourists provided a welcome distraction to the unpleasant turn her thoughts had taken. She knew she should rejoin them. Last night at the welcome reception the earl had stated he didn’t want any of them wandering around on their own. He had further added that if this rule was violated, the offender would be asked to vacate the premises.

She turned to go, but a tower window caught her attention. Captivated, she stared up at the corner of its ledge drawn to a shimmering light dancing atop the stone. She squinted to get a better look, but as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished.

She waited a few seconds to see if the light would reappear, but it didn’t. Maybe it was just the sun playing tricks on her, she reasoned. With her hands clasped behind her back, she took a step back. Her fingers brushed denim.

She jerked her hands in front of her and spun around. Her face flushed with heat as she looked up at the sandy-haired tour guide.

“I…I ’m sorry,” she stuttered. “I didn’t know you were behind me.”

“That much is obvious.”

Samantha almost laughed, but his smile stopped her short leaving her uncertain as to whether he was being sarcastic or sincere.

“I didn’t mean to bump into you,” she insisted, keeping her gaze from wandering down to the spot she had touched.

He cleared his throat and moved a hand to his mouth, but not quickly enough to cover the beginning of an amused grin. “That’s quite all right.”

Sarcasm. She prickled. His English accent sounded so eloquent, yet he obviously thought just like every other male. Of course it was “quite all right.” What man wouldn’t mind having a woman brush up against his crotch?

“The castle is beautiful,” she said, desperate to change the subject.

His eyes, the color of a Caribbean sea, and just as fathomless, softened for the briefest of instants. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?”

Sincere. She felt certain of it. “I can’t wait to see the inside,” she replied, relieved to have found some common ground with him.

“Which is why I came looking for you,” he said, all business again. “It’s time to move on with the tour.”

She curled her fingers into her palms. “The earl doesn’t need to know that I took a little walk by myself, does he?”

His gaze skimmed her body before returning to her face. “No, but I suggest you stay close for the remainder of the tour.”

Stay close? Stay close to whom? Him? Unnerved by his assessing glance, she stepped back. “Thank you. I’ll be right there.”

“Don’t be long.” He started to leave, but turned to face her one more time. “And do be careful where you walk. There are many unsafe places inside the castle.” He grinned suddenly. “And please, do handle our valuables with care.”

Heat warmed her cheeks again. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ve no intention of handling anything, valuable or not.”

She refocused her attention on the castle where it belonged. She smiled as she listened to his footsteps fading down the cobblestone walkway feeling satisfied she had disabused him of any notion that she might be interested.

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